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Our tickets for pupils, apprentices and young people

For apprentices, students, pupils and young people, ÜSTRA has special and particularly inexpensive offers. You will find an overview of all products here, so that you can quickly find the right ticket offer for you.

  • Youth pass

    With the Youth pass (up to the age of 22) you can travel extremely favourably within the entire ÜSTRA tariff area (ABC). But you must be pupil (primary school and lower and upper secondary school) and also not entitled to use free transport because of the School pass or you are not carrying out a voluntary service (FSJ / FÖJ / FWJ / BFD). The pass is also valid in your free time and during school holidays. Apprentices (all part time apprentices of vocational schools up to the age of 22) can also use the Youth pass for 18 euros per month. Furthermore, a free and valid customer card is required.

    18,00 €

  • Apprenticeship pass subscription

    The Apprenticeship pass is also available as subscription. This may be efficient for you, because the Apprenticeship pass subscription costs only 30,40 euros per month. Your Apprenticeship pass subscription will be sent to you conveniently via postal services. It can be used by pupils, persons in education or participants of a voluntary service or a federal volunteer service. It is age-independent, but is for everybody aged 23 or over, who is not entitled to use the Youth pass.

    30,40 €

  • Apprenticeship pass

    With the Apprenticeship pass you can travel favourably within the ÜSTRA zones ABC using the 2. class. For using the Apprenticeship pass, you must be pupil, you must serve an apprenticeship or carrying out a gap year taken to do voluntary work in the social sector or federal volunteer service. The pass is age-independent and costs 37,30 euros per month. It is for everybody aged 23 and over, who cannot use the Youth pass anymore. Furthermore, a free and valid customer card is required. The Apprenticeship pass is also available as subscription.

    37,30 €

  • Monthly pass education

    Normally the training company is not "just around the corner". But most of the training companies and vocational schools are easy to reach by bus, tram and train. With the Monthly pass education you are mobile within the entire GVH tariff area. Free customer card necessary. Apprentices up to and including 22 years of age can also use the Youth Pass. It costs only 18 euros per month and is valid in all three ÜSTRA tariff zones (A, B and C). It can therefore be a cheaper alternative to a Monthly pass education. Please note that we also offer the Apprenticeship pass, this can also be a cheaper alternative.

    38,90 € - 90,90 €

    A 57,40 €
    BorC 38,90 €
    AB 75,40 €
    BC 55,90 €
    ABC 90,90 €
    Scroll to zones overview
  • Monthly pass education subscription

    If you subscribe to a Monthly pass education subscription, you can reach your training place and vocational school twelve months long by bus, tram or train. In doing so you save a lot of money: the Monthly pass education subscription is significantly less expensive than twelve regular Monthly passes education. Apprentices up to and including 22 years of age can also use the Youth Pass. It costs only 18 euros per month and is valid in all three tariff zones (A, B and C) of ÜSTRA. It can therefore be an inexpensive alternative to a subscription. Please note that we offer the Apprenticeship pass, this can also be a low-cost altenative.

    29,60 € - 77,30 €

    A 48,80 €
    BorC 29,60 €
    AB 64,10 €
    BC 42,50 €
    ABC 77,30 €
    Scroll to zones overview
  • Monthly pass education subscription Regional tariff

    You are an apprentice and reach your training place by train – not only in the region but beyond? In this case you should decide on a Monthly pass education subscription Regional tariff. In doing so, you can not only use suburban and many regional trains – you can as well use all buses and trams within the ÜSTRA tariff area. Please note that we also offer the Apprenticeship pass. This can be an inexpensive addition.

    49,20 € - 140,20 €

    E* 49,20 €
    CDorDE** 64,80 €
    BCDorCDE 78,00 €
    A-DB-EorC-F 99,50 €
    A-EorB-F 120,40 €
    A-F 140,20 €
    Scroll to zones overview
  • Monthly pass education Regional tariff

    You are an apprentice and travel to your training place by train – not only in the region but beyond? In this case you should decide on a Monthly pass education Regional tariff. In doing so, you may not only use suburban and many regional trains – you can as well use all buses and trams within the ÜSTRA tariff area. Free customer card necessary.

    57,90 € - 164,90 €

    E* 57,90 €
    CDorDE** 76,20 €
    BCDorCDE 91,80 €
    A-DB-EorC-F 117,10 €
    A-EorB-F 141,60 €
    A-F 164,90 €
    Scroll to zones overview

Summary of tariff zones:

The zones A, B and C cover the entire tariff area for all passengers – regardless of whether they use Single tickets, Day tickets or Monthly passes.

  • Zone Acovers the city area
  • Zone Bcovers adjacent towns and municipalitiesCities Isernhagen, Garbsen, Seelze, Ronnenberg, Hemmingen
  • Zone Ccovers more remote rural areas of the Hannover regionCities Leehrte, Uetze, Großburgwedel, Mellendorf
  • Zone D-FRegional tariff

Each tariff zone has its own colour, which is used always in connection with the corresponding zone designation.

Tariff Zone MapThe graphic shows the listed urban areas and locations of the tariff zones A, B, C and D to F.
back to single ticket overview

More tickets für pupils and students:

  • School pass

    Are you a student in grades 1 to 10 and live in the GVH tariff area? Than you receive a free School pass from your school if your way to school is more than 2 kilometres long.

  • Semester pass GVH

    By bus to university in the morning. In the evening by tram to the club. And at the weekend take a ride to the countryside by regional train! With the Semester pass GVH students enjoy free movement within the entire GVH tariff area. Students also benefit from a special advantage: With the Semester pass GVH you have the opportunity to use 30 free…